Thursday, May 12, 2011

Pride is tastes like liver

Pride tastes like liver. Liver tastes disgusting. So therefore, pride tastes disgusting. I have a pride issue. I hate that I struggle to make ends meet. I hate that I am taking debt into my marriage with Nate and he will be paying it off for me if I can't find a job soon after moving. However, God saves us from ourselves. I know this because he has saved me from myself time and time again.

My biggest fear is letting Nate down, disappointing him, or worse yet - he regrets marrying me. I have told him all of this and he has reassured me that this is not the case and has pointed me to towards God. I love this about my future husband. He loves Christ, and loves me. He puts Christ first, which means that his leadership of us as a family is Christ centered. I know this. Will our marriage be perfect? Um... no. Will it be amazing? Yes. Why? Because Christ is our first love and he has brought us together.

I am excited to be a wife. To start this new chapter in my life. Nate knows what he is getting into. I've been very honest with him and he understands. I am who I am. I am not going to apologize for being opinionated, loud, or strong. I am not a wall flower. I don't do well just sitting. I am excited to get to know the women at the church we will be attending and to get plugged into serving.

Let's face it. I am just excited! So much of what I have been reading is about my duties as a wife. I love the woman in Proverbs 31. She is what I hope to be. It is an ideal, and I know I will fall short. I am ok with that. I only have 30 more days before I get to marry by best friend. For that I praise God because Nate is perfect for me. :)

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