Monday, November 28, 2011

The Blog in which we discuss Half Marathons and the book I am reading ...

You might be asking yourself, "What exactly is a marathon?" I know is where a bunch of crazy people get together and run a lot. Sort of. Buckle up kiddos, Mel is going to give you a history lesson.
A marathon is a race that is 26.2 miles. The name Marathon comes from the Battle of Marathon that was fought way back in the day before your great grandpa, Greek times. It is from the legend of Pheidippides, a Greek messenger. He ran from the battle to the and burst into the Senate and said "We won!" (In my head it was much more redneck than that, don't ask why). After he made his exclamation, he died. So, now those of us who are crazy run 26.2 miles for fun.
I am only half crazy, so I want to do a half marathon. I will run 13.1 miles! I will not die, but I will eat pancakes when I'm done. Why? Because I don't eat them now because they are so tasty I eat like 20 of them. However, after a half marathon, its ok. I am sure you are asking "Mel, why do you want to do this? Are you crazy?" Um... yes? I want to be able to say I did it. Oh, and I will do it. In April. That is the Eugene Half Marathon. That and you get a medal. Who doesn't want a medal? Medals are cool.
Now on to something much more serious, reading. I am reading a book about Dietrich Bonhoffer. He was awesome. Even if you aren't a christian you would still respect this man. He was one of the few Germans who refused to be Hitler's sheep. That and his theological works are AMAZING! This man had a love for God's word and has a knowledge that I can only dream of. I love reading of his love for scripture and how he calls out the church for losing site of it.
His commentary on the church in America in the 1930s is spot on today. How it is all topical feel good nonsense. How we don't preach the gospel. I think that when I am done I will have to dedicate a few blogs to Bonhoffer. His mind was sharp and when the Nazis executed him the world lost a truly great man. However, what he inspired in those around him was truly astounding.
Here is to hoping that when I get to heaven I get to have pizza and beer with him and the apostle Paul. That would be epic.
Nothing to deep tonight, but just whats been in my head. :)


  1. Mel: I love that you do this blog. It helps me get my mind off things that really don't amount to a hill of beans. I am inspired by your love for God and how he works in your life. Mom
