Saturday, November 5, 2011

What I learned in Seattle

I was blessed to have been chosed to attend the Next Gen conference that my company puts on. This conference is for those that management has seen potential in and wants to provide them a way to learn what they need to move up in the company. When I was offered the job I have now I was just so grateful for God's provision. Sometimes I feel bad that others have been out of work for so long and I got the first job I applied for. God's hand was in this whole job thing, that is for sure.

Now, I spent Monday (Oct 31) to Friday (Nov 4) in Seattle, WA. I was in the company of upper management, the president and CEO of the company, and one of the owners. I learned that the people who own our company truly care about it's employees. Our benefits are some of the best I have ever seen. In fact, I get PAID maternity leave. I have a 401K that is matched pretty well.

We were given the chance to learn about generational differences. I now understand why my boss and I don't quite agree on how to do things. I also understand why people younger than me can't see the beauty that is The Princess Bride. Here is to hoping that their children will understand the epicness of ROUS'.

I also learned that they all can drink. I have never been where there has been an open bar on the company tab. That's right. Your's truly enjoyed beer on the company dime. Now mind you were are the hotel, but still. I'm pretty sure the bartender made bank off of us.

The highlight of the trip was Cougar boy. We had to introduce ourselves and he stated that he liked hunting cougars (as in big cats). Now being the adults that we are we totally made fun of him for hunting "cougars." Then, to top it off he was trying to put the moves on an older lady at the bar. I had to leave I was laughing so hard.

All joking aside, I have a new appriciation for the company I work for. They are the only one in our industry that has a program like this. They are also the only company that I know that does the right thing because its the right thing, not because the right thing is in their budget.

Now that I am home, I can focus on other things and will have another post soon. But I just wanted to let you all know I have an awesome job.

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