Monday, October 17, 2011

What do you mean I don't have a list?

I love checking things off a list. For my wedding, there were lists for my lists. I make lists at work, and I love checking things off that list. Grocery shopping, I have to have a list or we end up with Good and Plenties and no toilet paper. I am an unashamed list maker. It is hard, sometimes, to have a God who doesn't make me keep a list. How am I supposed to check stuff off if I have no list? The anguish, the worry, the wondering... Am I saved?
I don't doubt my salvation. I believe in God in 3 persons. I believe He sent his Son to die for me, and I believe that He rose from the grave. (I may joke about Jesus being the first recorded zombie, but I'm only joking). My flesh cries out to be a part of this. To take my filthy rags that I want to call righteousness to God and say "See Lord! Look at what I did!" Like a child going to its dad with a finger painting. Only my finger painting is like poo, worse than poo! I love how the heavenly father, our Goel (redeemer!) says to me "Mel, you don't need to do anything more. I've got this."
This comes because I have been reading Galatians and I'm a Martha. I'm pretty sure Paul would have been my homeboy, and he wouldn't have approved of me using that term but would have let it slide because he's cool like that. I love Paul's letters, they are straight forward and he pulls no punches. He doesn't sugar coat the issue, he dives right in. The Galatians were being foolish (Paul said so, Galatians 3:1) because they had gotten caught up in having a list. (I would have so been a Galatian) There list included circumcision and other Jewish customs that they were being told they had to do if they wanted salvation.
How I love Paul. He lays down the gauntlet. He says "Look, Really? Do you not remember who I am? (Insert Paul's testimony). Now that we have got that taken care of. If we could be saved by the law then Christ died for nothing." To wrap it up, Paul points out that our lists, our good works, aren't what save us. I am very excited to see how Paul wraps this up. So far, I have learned that faith (trust in someone), justification (being made right), and righteousness (morally right) come from God. Not from me. My justification before God comes from the fact that I am seen as he sees Jesus. How? Because Jesus was the lamb, because he went to the cross, because he died for me and you, and everyone.
I just started chapter 3 in Galatians and I'm excited to see what else Paul shares with this church. Nate and I have decided that we need to stay home more. This gives me more time to dig in the word. To crush the grapes of truth so I can get the wine of comfort (I totally stole that from Spurgeon). I am just glad to be reminded that I don't need a list with God. All I need with God is to get to know him, to allow him to be my Goel.
Yep, the tomboy is finally starting to understand the romance in scripture.


  1. please read the e-mail I am sending you.

  2. I love your blog. How is it that I learn so much from my daughter? Is it that we provided you with a foundation to grow on? I hope that in the future we can continue to learn from each other and that the Lord continues to work thru you and thru me. Your loving mother.

  3. Thank you Mom. You and Dad have given me a great foundation and I am sharing what God teaches me. ;)

  4. Joyce my is:

  5. LOL yeah I'm to frequently a Martha too ;) So worried about how everything is going that I don't spend the time to really visit with God. Spending the time to dig into scripture and really journal on it is important. It's amazing how little time we really spend on learning about and understanding who God is. Just an hour on Sunday is not enough. And how can we expect to hear his voice and know it's him speaking let alone understand him if we don't know him.
